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Author Guidelines

Manuscripts for management revue - Socio-Economic Studies are either

  1. initiated by a call for papers by the guest editor(s) of the respective special symposium issues or
  2. may be sent to Management Revue independent of any special symposium theme as ordinary submissions. Manuscripts are considered for publication with the understanding that their contents and contributions have not been published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere (with limited exceptions for overview articles from leaders in the field of the special symposium issue).

Manuscripts are subject to a double-blind review process coordinated by either a guest editor if intended for a special symposium issue or by an editor of management revue - Socio-Economic Studies if submitted independently of special themes. In addition to the (guest) editor, the manuscript will be considered by at least two reviewers; particularly inappropriate submissions may be returned without formal review.

Manuscript length should be between 7,000 and 10,000 words and the norm should be 30 pages in double-spaced type with margins of about 3 cm (1 inch) on each side of the page.

Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the format guidelines shown below.

Manuscripts should be accompanied by an abstract of the article (max. 200 words) and a list of three to five keywords or descriptors. Also add three to five appropriate JEL-codes (example: JEL: J31, J33, J41, M52) under the keywords in brackets. You will find the list of JEL-codes at

Manuscripts need to be submitted to management revue - Socio-Economic Studies electronically, formatted as a Word file. Queries about the manuscript can be made via the submission system. Editorial decisions will also be communicated to the author via the submission system.


"Science is built on trust and misappropriating the work of others can jeopardise this trust" (ASA Ethic Task Force). Taking and using the thoughts and writings of someone else's work as one's own is not only a problem of intellectual property rights but also a serious misdeed because plagiarism erodes the norms of scientific work.

Our editors and reviewers have an obligation to act if concerns are raised about improper manuscripts. The editors will judge any case of plagiarism on its own merits. In a case of clear-cut plagiarism with dishonest intent, the editors will inform the author. If authors do not supply satisfactory explanations, their institute and the author of the original work will be informed by the editors of MREV.

Manuscript format

The manuscript should conform to the following requirements: Use 12-point type (Times new roman or equivalent) double-spaced (including references, endnotes, appendixes, tables, and figures). Page 1 shows the title of your article and the abstract (not your personal name or address) and three to five keywords and appropriate JEL-codes. Your abstract should be about 200 words long. Group any endnotes, references, appendices, tables, and figures at the end of your manuscript. Use sequential page numbering throughout. Submit the manuscript without any personal information. Follow the instruction in Ensuring a Blind Review. All information on the author(s) needs to be provided during the submission process online.

When submitting a revised manuscript, please respond to the comments made by the reviewer(s) at the beginning of your revised manuscript. Document any changes you make to the original manuscript. In order to expedite the processing of the revised manuscript, please be as specific as possible in your response to the reviewer(s).

Citation style

Management-Revue follows the citation rules of the APA style. For in-text citations, include the authors' names and the year of publication in parentheses, e.g. "As Buckley and Casson (1976) indicate..." or (Williamson, 1975, 1985, 1996; Granovetter, 1985; Cohen & Levinthal, 1990).

Two or more publications by one author in the same year should have "a," "b," etc., added after the year. For a direct quotation, give pages after the year, e.g. (Coleman, 1988, p. 98). If a publication has three or more authors use "et al.", e.g. (Nooteboom et al., 1997).

The list of references at the end of the manuscript should include only cited publications. List references alphabetically by the last name of the first author. If there is no personal author use the corporate author, e.g. Wall Street Journal. Order publications by an identical author by year, listing the earliest first.

Book references follow this form: Authors' last names, initials. (year). title. city: name of the publisher.


Burt, R.S. (1992). Structural holes: The social structure of competition. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Buckley, P.J. & Casson, M. (1976). The Future of the multinational enterprise. London: Macmillan.

Brown, K., Burgess, J., Festing, M., & Royer, S. (eds.) (2010). Value Adding Webs and Clusters. Concepts and Cases. Munchen, Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag.

Periodical references follow this form: Authors' last names, initials. (year). title. name of periodical, volume number (and issue number, if needed), page numbers.


Henisz, W.J., & Delios, A. (2001). Uncertainty, imitation, and plant location: Japanese multinational corporations, 1990-1996. Administrative Science Quarterly, 46, 443-475.

Roberts, P.W., & Greenwood, R. (1997). Integrating transaction cost and institutional theories: Toward a constrained-efficiency framework for understanding organizational design adoption. Academy of Management Review, 22(2), 346-373.

Chapters in books follow this form: Authors' last names, initials, (year). the title of the chapter. In editors' initials and last names (eds.), the title of the book (edition, pages). city: name of the publisher.


Scott, W.R., & Meyer, J.W. (1991). The organization of societal sectors: Propositions and early evidence. In: W.W. Powell & P.J. DiMaggio (eds.), The new institutionalism in organizational analysis (pp. 108-140). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Online documents follow this form:

Mercer. (2010). Mercer's 2010 Cost of Living survey highlights - Europe. Retrieved 01.12.2010, from

In doubt please refer to the APA style.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.

Articles (open submission)


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