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Author Guidelines

Instructions for authors

Manuscripts should be accompanied by an indicative abstract of approximately 250 words. Manuscripts of articles should fall within the range 6,000-10,000 words. Longer manuscripts will be considered on consultation with the Editor-in-chief.

A separate title page should include the article title and the author’s name, postal address, and E-mail address. Only the title of the article should appear on the first page of the text. Contact information must be present for all authors of a manuscript. To protect anonymity, the author’s name should not appear on the manuscript.

A cover letter describing how your work fits into the journal's scope and how it contributes to the field of knowledge organization. Please consider suggesting potential reviewers for the manuscript and provide their e-mail addresses. Potential reviewers should have published in the area of research and must not be from the same institutions as the authors or have collaborated with them in the past.

Criteria for acceptance will be appropriateness to the field of knowledge organization (see “Scope” at, taking into account the merit of the contents and presentation. It is expected that all successful manuscripts will be well-situated in the domain of knowledge organization, and will cite all relevant literature from within the domain. Authors are encouraged to use the KO literature database at The manuscript should be concise and should conform to professional standards of English usage and grammar. Authors whose native language is not English are encouraged to make use of professional academic English-language proofreading services. 

Manuscript Formatting

In Microsoft® Word please set the language preference (“Tools,” “Language”) to “English
(US)” or “English (UK).”

The entire manuscript should be double-spaced, including notes and references.

The text should be structured with decimally-numbered subheadings (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1,2.1.1, etc.). It should contain an introduction, giving an overview and stating the purpose, a main body, describing in sufficient detail the materials or methods used and the results or systems developed, and a conclusion or summary.

Author-generated keywords are not permitted.

Footnotes are not allowed but endnotes may be used. Do not use automatic footnote
formatting. Instead, insert a superscript numeral (Format, Font, Superscript) and create the
text of the note manually in a separate list at the end of the manuscript, before the reference

Paragraphs should include a topic sentence, a developed narrative and a conclusion; a typical paragraph has several sentences. Paragraphs with tweet-like characteristics (one or two sentences) are inappropriate.

Italics are permitted only for phrases from languages other than English, and for the titles of published works.

Bold type is not permitted.

Em-dashes should not be used as substitutes for commas. Dashes must be inserted manually (Insert, Advanced Symbol, Em-dash) with no spaces on either side.

Illustrations should be embedded within the document. Photographs (including color and half-tone) should be scanned with a minimum resolution of 600 dpi and saved as .jpg files. Tables should contain a number and caption at the bottom, and all columns and rows should have  headings. All illustrations should be cited in the text as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. or Table 1, Table 2, etc.

Examples of KOS (classification, taxonomy, ontology, thesaurus, etc.) arrays should be
configured as figures and set into the document as jpgs; they should not be entered as editable

Remove all active hyperlinks, including those from reference formatting software (if hovering over the text with a mouse produces a gray highlight, the text is hyperlinked; remove the link “Insert,” “Hyperlink,” “Remove link”).

Upon acceptance of a manuscript for publication, authors must provide a digital photo
and a one-paragraph biographical sketch (fewer than 100 words). The photograph should
be scanned with a minimum resolution of 600 dpi and saved as a .jpg file.


Reference citations within the text should have the form: (Author year). For example, (Jones 1990). Specific page numbers are required for quoted material, e.g. (Jones 1990, 100). A citation with two authors would read (Jones and Smith 1990); three or more authors would be: (Jones et al. 1990). When the author is mentioned in the text, only the date and optional page number should appear in parentheses: “According to Jones (1990), …” or “Smith wrote (2010, 146): ….” A subsequent page reference to the same cited work (e.g., to Smith 2010) should have the form “(229).” There is never a comma before the date. 

In-text citations should not be routinely placed at the end of a sentence or after a quotation, but an attempt should be made to work them into the narrative. For example: Jones (2010, 114) reported statistically significant results. Many authors report similar data; according to Matthews (2014, 94): “all seven studies report means within ±5%.”

In-text citations should precede block quotations, and never are placed at the end of a

References should be listed alphabetically by author at the end of the article. Reference lists should not contain references to works not cited in the text. Websites mentioned in passing in the text should be identified parenthetically with their URLs but not with references unless a specific page of a specific website is being quoted. 

Author names should be given as found in the sources (not abbreviated, but also not fuller than what is given in the source). Journal titles should not be abbreviated. Multiple citations to works by the same author should be listed chronologically and should each include the author’s name. Articles appearing in the same year should have the following format: “Jones 2005a, Jones 2005b, etc.”

Proceedings must be identified fully by volume title (which often differs from the name of the conference), editor(s), series (if applicable), and details of publication (place and publisher name). Papers in proceedings must be identified by their page numbers. Papers from online proceedings that lack publication details should include a DOI or URL. 

Unpublished electronic resources may use an access date in lieu of a data of publication.
In cases of doubt, authors are encouraged to consult The Chicago Manual of Style 17th
ed. (or online), author-date reference system (chapter 15).



Ingwersen, Peter. 1992. Information Retrieval Interaction. London: Taylor Graham.

Mayr, Ernst. 1991. Principles of Systematic Zoology, 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.


Egan, Frances. 2012. “Representationalism”. In Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Science, edited by Eric Margolis, Richard Samuels, and Stephen P. Stich, 250-72. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Furner, Jonathan. 2007. "Dewey Deracialized: A Critical Race-Theoretic Perspective". Knowledge Organization 34, no. 3: 144–68.


Schallier, Wouter. 2004. “On the Razor’s Edge: Between Local and Overall Needs in Knowledge Or- ganization.” In Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society: Proceedings of the Eighth International ISKO Conference 13-15 July 2004 London, UK, edited by Ia C. McIlwaine. Advances in Knowledge Organization 9. Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, 269-74.

PhD dissertation

Olson, Hope Alene. 1996. “The Power to Name: Marginalizations and Exclusions of Subject Representation in Library Catalogues”. PhD diss., University of Wisconsin

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.

Special Issue: Critical and Social Knowledge Organization

Use this section to submit the manuscript to the Special Issue on Critical and Social KO 

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